© 2020 - 2023 Mr. Eric
© 2020 - 2023 Mr. Eric
How does quick sort work, in the first place?
Well, quick sort is another sorting method, and according to its name, it’s quick. In fact, it is actually one of the most popular sorting methods amongst them all! But why is it so popular? Because it is quick, and also, it can sort huge amounts of data, such as this one, 100 million numbers is no problem! But back to the topic, how does quick work?
This time the video is about selection sort. I’m fine with arrays and linked lists so far(I think I’m goin to use it in the future) and with selection sort, too, just bubble sort and selection sort are so similar. By the way, I need to say that I’m enjoying this book really much and until now, it has been my favorite book about anything that has to do with knowledge. It seems like I get to know more things from nowhere while reading a comic book. The pictures are nice!
Hello! I said that ‘I’m presently reding a book about algorithms’, which is true! That book is just like a comic book named ‘grokking - algorithms’. The cover is mice. it’s real fun with my dad. You can try it with your parents. You can also try and explore yourself. You’ll soon find yourself becoming more and more familiar with stuff.
I am a student, learn, happy.
Always happy.